Want to tie me up with your ties, Ty? August 15, 2005 – Posted in: Aberrant Normalcy

Gopher!Yes, it’s a Caddyshack reference. Poo poo on you if you didn’t know it. Yesterday I bought a suit at JCPenny’s for $140 plus tailoring. I needed a black tie, and the table said, “buy two and get one free (for equal or lower value).” So I bought two ties for $25 each and got a third for free. I’m trying to figure out why two thin pieces of fabric cost about a third of an entire suit. Oh well. At least I’ll look sharp for my friend’s wedding.

It rained yesterday here in New Jersey finally. The ground was beginning to crack and the grasses were dying all over the place. We needed it badly. This morning the air has this crisp, wonderful scent of rain and upturned earth, not to mention the air has dropped about twenty degrees. Now it’s only 80 or so.

So I just finished Freaks and Geeks, the TV series, and I am lamenting the end. The show was really good, and I’m glad Mercurio Rivera (aka Evil David) lent it to me. I didn’t realize how engrossed I got into the characters until I realized I was watching the last episode. I felt like I was graduating and never going to see these people again. Okay, I know I’m lame, but it’s a good show and you need to see it if you haven’t, even if they only made one season. I even went so far as to reserve the Greatful Dead’s “American Beauty” from the library, even though I have never owned a Dead album in my life. You know, TV is much more enjoyable without the commercials. DVDs rock.