Been a While November 2, 2010 – Posted in: Aberrant Normalcy, Altered Fluid, Paper Cities, Sybil's Garage

I got back from Columbus, Ohio on Sunday and had a great time hanging out with everyone at WFC.  I watched several of my friends give excellent readings, witnessed one of them get his first agent, spoke with super-smart, super-interesting people, and had the best ice cream in the world.  My only regret is not having more time to spend with the people I most love being around.  But that’s why they have a World Fantasy Convention every year, isn’t it?

I’ve put the semi-finishing touches on Catherynne M. Valente’s “Prester John Online” website.  There she’ll be promoting her new and fabulous book The Habitation of the Blessed, and she hopes it will become the go-to place for all things Prester John.  I particularly love the artwork by Lisa Grabenstetter.

In publishing news, Sybil’s Garage and Paper Cities are now available at the Barnes & Noble e-bookstore for downloads as DRM-free ePubs.

At WFC, got to hang out with the awesomely cool Scott H. Andrews of Beneath Ceaseless Skies, and he informed me my story “The Suffering Gallery” will be online December 2nd.  This is my SFWA qualifying sale and I’m both excited and nervous to hear people’s reactions to the story.

And writing-wise, I’ve been working on a short story for a YA post-apocalyptic anthology, which I hope to finish in the next week or so.  It’s dark, and I’m kind of reluctant about scaring kids, but I believe the theme is a positive one.  Then it’s back to the novel, which is progressing well, if a bit slower than I anticipated.

I had been feeling a bit melancholy as of late, but the convention was the perfect thing for my spirits.  Surrounded by so many smart, talented people, doing what they love, writing things that I love, what’s not to be happy about that?