WisCon Day 1 May 25, 2007 – Posted in: Aberrant Normalcy

Mercurio and I flew in to Madison yesterday, high on a few gin and tonics at 36,000 feet. We assumed Thursday would be a quiet day for us to ease into the con atmosphere and explore Madison before the guests arrive. Boy were we wrong.

Cool things that happened yesterday:

We heard Kelly Link read a new story, “The Cinderella Game,” and it rocked. I met Darin Bradley from Farrago’s Wainscot (where he taught me how to pronounce the title correctly which I have subsequently forgotten.) Went swimming in my boxers while Tempest tried to film me. As I posed lasciviously for the camera John Kilima suggested a title for the film, “Editors Gone Wild.” I also saw Greer Woodward and we had many nice conversations, and Mercurio and I ended the night talking with Leah Bobet and Jaime Lee Moyer.

And nothing much was supposed to happen yesterday. Mercurio and I are planning to explore the city a bit today before the mayhen starts. Madison is a cool little college town with air that smells as clean as a baby’s bottom after a bath. Or something like that. Forgive me, I’m hungover.