A Warm Body to Bite November 16, 2006 – Posted in: Aberrant Normalcy

A Mosquito is a small VampireLast night I awoke with a severe itch on my left hand. A moment later I heard a loud bzzzzzzzing in my ear. A mosquito! After several attempts at killing the insect and slapping my face in the process, the buzzing finally stopped (I was too tired to even consider its bloody carapace might be smeared all over my cheek.) And then I thought, as I drifted back to sleep, this is November 15th. Why the hell are there mosquitoes now? And then I thought, well, it’s been in the high 60s all week, and it’s been pretty wet, and even the morning glories on my fire escape think it’s spring and are sprouting from the planter.

What happened to the cool winds of fall? Um, I remember October used to be the month of sweaters and jackets, of 40 degree days. At this rate, I won’t be wearing a winter coat until late December. Every year, winter comes later and later. If I can see climate change, then it must be pretty bad, because what I learned in school was that the climate changes over millennia, not years. My friends, when are we going to do something about global warming? Iraq is the hot issue in Congress right now, but we have a Democratically controlled legislative branch. Let’s legislate some sanity back into our national energy policy while we’re at it.