The Post Turkey-Day Lethargy November 28, 2005 – Posted in: Aberrant Normalcy, Sybil's Garage

Freeze Dried Turkey Livers!After stuffing my face with fluffy muffins, un-organic turkey, and pineapple vodkas, I managed to scrounge up enough energy this weekend to send out the (semi) last batch of acceptances and rejections. The current count includes nine accepted stories and five poems. All the stories were sitting as attachments in my inbox, but now that I have sorted them and put them into folders, they are starting to take shape, and already I have a rough I idea of the order and layout. Over the weekend, I also arranged for some more photography & artwork to be included in the issue. Artwork You. Will. Love.

Deforestation, coming to a Forest near you!Vegans & Vegetarians ought to be concerned. I read over the weekend that the number one reason for the Brazilian rainforest deforestation is for soya (i.e. soybeans). Apparently, huge swaths of land are burned to make room for the crop. Over the weekend I had a soybean BBQ sandwich. I’m no vegetarian, but I like to limit my meat intake. The sandwich wasn’t half bad, once you get over the momentarily disturbing fact that the thing you are eating is not meat, though textured very much like it.

Lauren McLaughlin will be visiting our writers’ group tonight. An alumni of our group, she has spent the last six months or so living in lovely London and selling her stories to Interzone, and finishing a YA novel. It will be good to see her and to critique her story. 🙂

I know I had lots of things to say, and more than twice this long weekend I said, “Oh, I’m going to blog about this.” But now, caffeine-less and bleary-eyed, those moments have faded into mush. I promise to do better tomorrow.