Oh, Boo Hoo, You Gas Guzzlers July 5, 2008 – Posted in: Aberrant Normalcy

I usually don’t post three times in one day, but I just read this NY Times article about people in the US with large trucks complaining about the price of gas.

“It’s a huge inconvenience,” said Dr. Walter Bahr, a chiropractor in Cape Coral, Fla., who drives a Dodge Ram 2500 pickup and pays $130 per tank.

And you know what I say to him and others like him? Boo hoo. It’s one thing to drive a truck for work, a necessity, but it’s another thing entirely to drive around in some of the world’s most polluting vehicles, burning untold gallons of oil that our men and women in uniform are spilling their blood for, and complain because the price is “too high.” Yes, the price is high. But it’s much higher than you imagine, you piece of selfish garbage.