KGB Wrap Up April 17, 2008 – Posted in: KGB Readings, Paper Cities

“Officially” co-hosted KGB last night to a good turnout.  I was especially happy to begin on a night with two fantastic readers.  P.D. Cacek and Jack Ketchum were just fab.  Always great seeing the usual suspects there, and it was also fun seeing some new faces in the crowd.  I even kissed someone hello whom I thought I knew.  When it turned out we had never met, I said, “Well, as the new co-host we’re making some changes around here.”  😉

Ellen took some photos and as usual I look like a deer stuck in headlights.   Next month (May 21) will be Jack O’Connell, author of The Resurrectionist, and Ekaterina Sedia, author of The Secret History of Moscow and editor of Paper Cities, An Anthology of Urban Fantasy.